
there's a librarian in all of us

"Melvin lived in the Livingston Public Library". So begins Carla Morris' book The Boy who was Rasied by Librarians. Melvin is a lucky little dude because he has three eccentric librarians helping him with his homework from his grade school days all the way up to his high school graduation. And Melvin's constant stay in the library is not old news once he leaves for college, instead he returns and becomes Livingston's newest librarian (Clearly, Melvin is like an English major's dream man).


you'll go bananas when you see these pictures

If you've yet to read WILLY AND HUGH by Anthony Browne, then you are in for a real treat. WILLY AND HUGH is the story of a lonely Ape named Willy who finally finds a friend in Hugh. Once befriended, the two people-watch, go to the library (yeah, libraries) and go to the zoo to see the people in their cages. You're sure to enjoy the storyline and the illustrations will truly impress you...just check out the detail of Willy's sweater vest.